7 Days Safari – Masai Mara, Lake Naivasha, Nakuru, Amboseli, Tsavo East Safari

This safari tour starts at Nairobi and ends in Mombasa. We take you to safari destinations that will…

7 Days Safari – Marsabit and Samburu

We take you to safari destinations that will not only make you enjoy wildlife viewing but will also…

6 Days Olpejeta, Samburu and Masai Mara

You will get to experience a variety of wildlife, landscapes and birdlife in this particular safari tour. Samurai…

6 Days Masai Mara, OL Pejeta, Nakuru

In this safari tour, you get to visit three classic safari destinations that will attach you to nature,…

5 Days Marsabit Safari tour

Marsabit is a paradise in an oasis of green in a desert region in northern Kenya. Its dense…

4 Days Masai Mara, Lake Naivasha tour

4 days Tsavo East, West and Amboseli safari

4 days Tsavo East and West and Amboseli safari tour will be a remarkable tour experience. Tsavo East…

4 Days Amboseli and Masai Mara tour

In this particular safari tour, we take  you to two indispensable safari destinations in Kenya. For 4 Days,…

3 Days- Tsavo East and Tsavo West

Tsavo East and Tsavo West are two tour destinations that were once a mega park. This safari tour…

3 Days- Tsavo East and Amboseli

In this safari tour, we take you to Tsavo East and Amboseli for wildlife viewing and familiarizing with…